Sunday, October 19, 2014

Service Learning Log II

1.    What did you do?
I have been so overwhelmed with schoolwork and actual work that I haven’t gone out to a garden yet. I fully plan to as soon as possible because it needs to be done and it is so beautiful outside!  I’m hoping on working in the Campus Garden because I was out there a few days ago at sunset and the plants in the raised beds were looking great.

2.    In what ways has your service-learning experience enhanced your academic growth?
To be honest, I wasn’t really looking forward to working in the garden before but now I am a little bit excited to get out there. For academic growth, I think it will help me get to know my community better and help me get back to basics.
3.    In what ways has your service-learning experience enhanced your personal growth?
As far a personal growth, I can’t wait to be working outside because it is getting so beautiful out and the sun will feel so good. I haven’t been feeling that great lately so I think helping the gardens out will really help me too. Because I didn’t really want to do it before, it surprises me how much I have turned around, just walking through the gardens.

4.    In what ways has your service-learning experience enhanced your civic learning? 
I am brand new to Asheville so I think getting my hands dirty and really getting down in the soil will help me better understand the land and it’s importance. I expect the gardens have a lot to offer and I am looking forward to seeing how they are organized and how I can help.

5.    What are your service-learning goals for the future? 

For the future, I hope to make time to spend in the garden, and not just for this class but maybe just to be among what I have worked with. And I hopefully will travel down to the Botanical Gardens to see the difference between the different organizations. It should be very pretty.